Last weekend I finished all 48 blocks of my postage stamp quilt....
I DID NOT use pins at the seams SO they do not all match perfectly!!...
SO I was in a turmoil...should I go back and redo some of them?...
I really need to get this finished....
I took photos of the blocks layed out on the floor...
trying to decide....
then yesterday I was reading the Daily Motivator by Ralph Marston...
about choosing between getting it done or getting it perfect...
I think this was meant for me to read...

two quotes from the article:
"By all means, let perfection be your goal. Just be sure not to let it become your excuse."
"Even if you can't get it perfect, go ahead and get it done."
And that is what I am doing....
I will go for the finish...
Smiles and hugs....Caryl