the postage stamp quilt along is so fun...
it started with 2 jelly rolls...
giddy by Sandy Gervais and white...
purchased online at FatQuarterShop.com...

sorted fabrics and sewed strips following Rachel's instructions...

cut the strips into segments....

more photos on flickr in the postage stamp quilt along...
and there is a lot of activity in this group...

We were out of town and I am really behind...
working on making the blocks now...
I need 48 blocks for the quilt...
to speed things up I decided NOT to pin the seams...
just butt them up and hold and sew...
it should speed up the process...
I have ALWAYS pinned before....
so hoping the quilt police don't come after me!!
some of the group have the top complete...
quilt alongs are fun...
if you haven't tried one....be sure to look for one to join!!
Smiles and hugs....Caryl