“Friendship, love, health, energy, enthusiasm, and joy
are the things that make life worth living and exploring.” ~ Denise Austin

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #29

My 29th week of linking to Home Sewn By Us for To-Do Tuesday

Here is my progress from last week

To-Do Tuesday for week of July 28 through August 3:
  1. I am in a FB quilt challenge to enter a quilt every day so I will finish those entries. yes 
  2. Document my quilts in a notebook of these 10 quilts. (Most of my information is in my blog and that is where I go whenever I need to repeat something or someone asks about a quilt.) yes
  3. Work on my ongoing quilt projects every day. yes
I worked on a quilting project every day and worked on 5 different quilt projects this week.  I also started some contemporary log cabin blocks after watching a Bluprint class by Judith Trager!

I made a decision to sash my scrappy rectangle blocks with black.  (My quilt group in a Zoom meeting thought I needed sashing.)  I took the photo to see if the placement is okay.....I have moved blocks around so many times!  The photo shows the start of the black sashing.

I also worked in my creative journal.  Instead of a page for each day I did all of July on two pages!

To-Do Tuesday for week of August 4 through August 10:
  1. Add sashing to my scrappy rectangle blocks
  2. Finish yellow brick road quilt
  3. Gather all my quilt books and put together in one place
  4. FMQ practice at least 4 days
  5. Online class lessons 4 days and complete at least one page

I am linking to Roseanne's 

Be sure to see what everyone else is doing and join in the fun!!

Smiles and hugs....Caryl


  1. Caryl, those scrappy rectangle blocks are looking great with the black sashing. Like you, I use my blog as an "online quilting journal." Before the blog, I'd take pictures with the camera, get them DEVELOPED (remember that?!), stick them in an album or lose them along the way, write notes about which batting/thread/needle/etc on sticky notes that would get lost or stuck to my butt when I sat on them, etc. It is so nice to know that all of the "pertinent information" is neatly organized on the Internet now where I can find it quickly using a keyword search! Saves me from inventing the wheel over and over again. As for this FMQ practice that you're going to be doing this week -- I hope you will link up with us at the Long Arm Learning linky party that just launched today. It's for ALL machine quilters, not just stand up machines. Have a great week and happy quilting!

    1. Thank you Rebecca Grace for commenting. I try to document in a log of what I am working on....but my blog is the best place for me to check if I want to remember how I did something! I like to use IG sometimes for a quick photo of my work in progress...easy to go back to IG to check the date of the photo and go to my notes for specifics! Thanks for the invite to your new linky party....I just started to check it out......and I will go back and read more of it. Oh...my...gosh....such beautiful quilting!

  2. I love your scrappy rectangle blocks. I am anxious to see them all put together.

  3. Hi Caryl! I wanted to remember to thank you for the reference to Alex Anderson's show - I did check it out on YouTube. I actually have made flying geese that way before, but this time I am following a pattern. It's not the most efficient way! I love the addition of the sashing to your blocks. It seems to give the eye a place to rest and to set off each one nicely. I sure do know what you mean about moving the blocks around a LOT. We do that, too. Great job on your list and good luck this week. Thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Hi Roseanne..I am liking the black sashing....I just didn't want to add anything to the quilt but it really needed the sashing! Good luck on the flying geese...I have done them several different ways...nice to have choices!!


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