on flickr I called this fall essence charms tabletopper...
I used essence fabric by Sandy Gervais....

I used 8 light charms and 8 dark charms...
and matching essence fabric for borders and binding...

on the back of 8 light charms draw lines down the centers each way...
put right sides together of a light with a dark....
sew 1/4" on each side of one the drawn lines...

cut on the drawn lines...
you now have 32 pairs....

press to the dark fabric...
lay out pairs ready to 4 patches...

sew into 4 patches and you now have 16 4 patches...

place in a desirable arrangement...
I started with the middle four blocks to decide on the positions...
sew blocks together in rows....

add 2" borders....

sandwich the backing, batting and top and quilt as desired...
add the binding....and enjoy...
Smiles and hugs....Caryl