“Friendship, love, health, energy, enthusiasm, and joy
are the things that make life worth living and exploring.” ~ Denise Austin

Thursday, August 20, 2020

FMQ practice samples going to be potholders

 Today I am linking to two FMQ links.

I had planned on doing more for this blog post........ like actually showing some completed potholders!!.....but our A/C is not working......and we didn't think we needed to get it fixed because we can usually cool our house in the mornings and evenings.  BUT the temps have not been getting down to the 60s as usual....so our house is 85 inside with fans going!

So here is what I have.....

A zentangle design I have been wanting to stitch.

these first photos are before I trimmed.

I started by making the outside lines with a ruler.  I could see that was going to take forever....

So...I switched to my walking foot and did the design very quickly.

I trimmed the batting first by folding under the fabric and then turned it and I trimmed the outside fabric a little more than an inch from the edge.

I will join these two pieces that each have batting by bringing the jewel fabric folded to the top for a self binding.  The daisy potholder I previously blogged about using a wavy ruler.

AND I have blogged about this tomatoes potholder top.  I used a ruler foot and straight ruler and it takes a bunch of practice for straight lines.....holding the ruler and moving the ruler and moving the fabric AND trying to get a decent stitch length.  I am used to my BSR and this is a whole different thing!  I varied the width of the lines by accident and then I decided that might be a good thing!

The links to FMQ are so inspiring to see what everyone else is doing. 

Rebecca Grace  Long Arm Learning 


AND I am also linking with Free Motion Mavericks


Be sure to check their posts also.....it is so fun to see what everyone else is doing!

Smiles and hugs....Caryl


  1. Your potholders are great opportunities to practice quilting on a small scale!!!

  2. You know, when Bernina hadn’t come out with a ruler foot and we were all experimenting with the Westalee ruler feet, I was hoping and wishing that when Bernina DID come out with a ruler foot, it would work with stitch regulation. It would really be ideal if the BSR foot could be redesigned so that the sole could be switched out, giving stitch regulation regardless of whether you’re doing ruler work or free motion designs. But with a straight line grid, did you consider using your walking foot? You can even use those guide bars that slide into the back of the foot for your line spacing that way. I think your stitch length looks pretty consistent considering you didn’t have the technology assist!

    Curious about your very cool Zentangle design. How do you mark for this design — do you just do the curvy X or do you mark evenly spaced lines that radiate inward?

    Thanks for linking up with Long Arm Learning and I hope your A/C is back soon!

  3. I think it would be difficult for me to hang onto something so small for quilting. Lovely pattern choices. I need to learn how to do that.

  4. Here is a comment I deleted by accident....
    Andree G. Faubert has left a new comment on your post "FMQ practice samples going to be potholders":

    Hi Caryl, I love your Zentangle design. It really is perfect for the walking foot. Thanks so much for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. Good luck with the AC. It's so hard to tell if it's going to be cool or if the heat waves will come back! Take care.

  5. Thanks everyone for commenting. I was just practicing with the ruler foot....I would usually use the walking foot for the straight lines like I did on the tomatoes. I did not mark the Zentangle....I just started at one corner and kept going from line to line...and it was easier than I expected...no measuring and no marking!


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